Environmentally Sensitive Pest Management:
With numerous facilities, institutions, and parks, relied upon and enjoyed by the population at large, Government properties are desirable to unwanted pests.
Integrity Pest Management is Northern Nevada's service provider of choice for:
Military Facilities
Waste Water Treatment
Public Works
Defensible Space
State, City, and County Right-of-Way Corridors
Relevant Industrial Services include:
Insect & Rodent Control
Bird and Bat Control
Mosquito Vector Control
Pre & Post Emergent Herbicide Application
Aquatic Weed Control
Aquatic Algae Control
Tractor Services
Integrity Pest Management is committed to protecting Government Properties, Government employees, and the environment through our Integrated Pest Management solutions.
Call 775.423.7129 for a free facility inspection and expert needs analysis.
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Oriental Cockroach
The infestation source is often one of two areas: sewer pipes or storm drains. But the good news, we can treat both effectively. Oriental Cockroaches are arthropod transmitters of disease, acting as mechanical vectors and reservoirs of pathogenic agents.